Keenan, who is currently on his “Sessanta” tour with A Perfect Circle, Puscifer, and Primus, discussed his post-tour plans with Revolver, saying that aside from opening up a fried chicken restaurant and continuing with his winemaking, he plans on focusing on writing new music for all three of his bands.
“I’ve got three bands that need to write songs, so I’m going to be doing that,” said Keenan. “But I’m also expanding out in Arizona, opening up a fried chicken place in Cottonwood. When it comes to winemaking and growing our own grapes, we’re planting vineyards and strapping in for four or five years of waiting to see what’s going to happen there. That’s the one that takes the most planning and patience.”
He continued: “But other than that, the path is kind of laid out for you… I’m a singer. I’ve got to write songs. That’s what I do. So the next year and a half to me is writing songs I’ve got to write.”
Photo by Ryan Fleisher